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Last week’s symposium covered public speaking and giving presentations. The team discussed resources for improving public speaking practice, including the organization and website Toastmasters. Toastmasters offers many free short videos and articles with different tips on public speaking and knowing your topic. I found these to be interesting and good reminders of things to think about when preparing and giving a speech. Some of the biggest points that stood out to me were:

1. Know your subject and your speech. You are the expert in your field, so speak confidently about your subject matter!

2. Know your audience and your space. Depending on the audience, the terminology you use may vary – for example, teachers and parents want to know different information about music therapy than neuroscientists would. Knowing your space is something that I had not considered prior to our discussion – what materials do you need for your presentation? How should the room be set up? Will all materials be provided or do you need to bring your own? These questions, if answered prior to the speech, will make the entire experience a success.

3. Never apologize. While we sometimes think apologizing gives us a connection with our audience, we need to own our information. Be confident in yourself and in your topic.

4. Imagine yourself giving a great speech. This is something I think about when I perform on violin – imagine myself mastering the hard parts, rather than getting nervous as they approach. I never thought of applying this to anything outside of violin performance, but it makes a lot of sense! Following the philosophy of “fake it until you make it” – if you believe that you will give a great speech, then you will!

5. Focus on your message, not on yourself. Don’t worry about yourself during the speech. Focus on the words and what you want the audience to know, and your personality will naturally shine through!
