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As I am stepping into the senior intern position, awareness is a word that will become more a part of my daily routine. I am not saying before I was a bumbling idiot, but now there is more responsibility and expectations from me. I do not want to disappoint.

I believe that when leading sessions I will become more aware. I am speaking specifically about the out of office group sessions that I did with the previous intern. Now I will be stepping into her shoes. She has been a wonderful intern to work with. I have learned a variety of things working with her (driving skills/directions ARE NOT included in this portion) Marjie has been a blast to work with and I could not imagine a better intern to have worked with. We are two different girls, but together we have had a lot of fun!

Back to awareness, I believe tomorrow I will better understand the word after I step into senior intern shoes and am responsible for leading sessions. I am excited for this new chapter in my internship and cannot wait for the new opportunities and experiences I will be facing.
