When you pay our hourly rate, you are getting more than just our expertise. We do not set out to deliver the cheapest service but instead to provide the best value and most efficient use of your money. When you pay our hourly rate, you don’t have to pay for our equipment, vacations, and sick time. We only get paid by you when we are providing music therapy for you. In comparison with other therapies, our services are competitive.
Due to the motivating nature of our techniques, many of our clients have “break through” moments and are able to achieve their goals more quickly than with traditional therapies. This enhances the cost effectiveness of our services. We understand that many families may have financial limitations and therefore we aim to make our services accessible to all clients through various scholarships, grants, insurance reimbursement and other alternative funding sources. We believe that music therapy should be provided for all people regardless of financial constraints, and we work diligently to bring these services to everyone.